Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Today was Thanksgiving at our kids school. Alvin, me and the kids went to the school to have a yummy Thanksgiving lunch with Danica and Emmy. There were so many people their we had to park on the other side of the street in a dirt lot. The girls were so excited that we were there. They had fun showing off their new brother. Little Alvin cried when we left because he couldn't go play on the playground with the big kids, he is soooo ready for school. Sorry we don't have any pics, but we can't find our camera.


Jennelle said...

Poor little Alvin. I bet he can't wait to start school. Find your camera because I need pictures...but a post without pictures is better than no posts at all, so keep posting.

Sounds like a fun event! I bet everyone had lots of fun.

Are you about to pee your pants for Twilight yet???

Michelle Reber said...

yeah i cant wait. i watch some of the movie premier red carpet stuff online and i am so excited.